Huawei's innovative product launch to be held in Dubai on December 12

Huawei (brand)recently announced that it will hold an innovative product on December 12 in Dubainews conferenceThe slogans of the launch event were "Inspiration Gathering, Creation to Beauty". The slogan of the launch is "Inspiration Gathering, Creation of the Most Beautiful", which shows thatHuawei (brand)The importance and anticipation of the new product line.

Huawei's innovative product launch to be held in Dubai on December 12

Although Huawei has yet to announce which products it will launch at the event, we can expect Huawei to show off the new MatePad tablet and open headphones based on the poster information. In addition, Huawei may also launch products for overseas markets that have already been released domestically.

According to previous reports, Liu Dongfang, president of Huawei Terminal BG audio and smart accessories product line, revealed at an event that Huawei will release a new form of open headphone products at the end of the year. Titanium media previously broke the news that the new product will be independent of the existing in-ear headphones, smart glasses and other wearable audio devices, and become a new headset product line. It is reported that at present, open headphones mainly have bone conduction, air conduction and other sound-emitting structures, mainly used in sports scenes.

The theme and product lineup of Huawei's launch event is highly anticipated, especially for users and tech enthusiasts who love Huawei products. Huawei's innovations in the field of audio and smart accessories have been in the limelight and this launch could bring more surprises and breakthroughs.

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