Baidu launches "Spiritland Matrix", an ecological platform for plug-ins, and invitations for internal testing have been opened.

BaiduJohn He, Senior Vice President of the Group and General Manager of Baidu's Mobile Eco Business Group (MEG), announced at the Baidu Alliance Conference the launch of thein a wordPlug-in ecological platform "spirit realm matrix", and invited the majority of developers to participate in the test. In order to encourage the plug-in ecological construction, Baidu has provided incentives such as tens of billions of flow and hundred million yuan fund.

It is reported that the plug-in mechanism is the key to expanding the boundaries of big model capabilities and building a big model application ecosystem. Baidu's Spirit Realm Matrix platform reduces the cost of big model plug-in development, making all kinds of service providers, professional data owners and even just ordinary people with creative ideas can become plug-in developers.

According to Junjie He, "Spiritual Matrix" will provide developers with three core capabilities: production empowerment, distribution and commercial symbiosis. In terms of production empowerment, the platform provides all developers with low-cost access to the platform and productivity tools. In terms of distribution, the platform provides access to Baidu's internal and external traffic distribution channels. In terms of commercial symbiosis, the platform will package ToC and ToB commercial and operational capabilities to coexist with developers.

Earlier media reports said that at the end of August this year, Baidu Wenxin Yiyin announced that the first batch was approved to open to the whole society. Users can download the Wenxin Yiyin App from the app store or log on to the official website to experience it, and it will also open up a batch of newly reconstructedAINative Apps.

It is worth mentioning that the "Spirit Realm Matrix" has opened the invitation to internal testing on September 1 this year. In addition, Baidu Alliance also released the AI component store at the meeting. This is the landing of the plug-in ecology in the Baidu Alliance, which will provide alliance partners with three major services: support for AI Native development, supporting commercialization capabilities and application training.

By launching the "Spirit Realm Matrix" and the AI Component Store, Baidu has demonstrated the importance it attaches to the plug-in ecosystem and provided developers with a broader space for development. This initiative is expected to further promote Baidu'sartificial intelligence (AI)field and to promote a thriving and innovative ecosystem.

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