Microsoft Bing to launch deep search feature: full GPT-4 integration

Microsoft corporationThe company recently announced that its search engine Bing (Bing) will launch a new feature called "Deep Search" (Deep Search). This feature will be made possible by integrating the famousGPT-4The search results are more relevant and comprehensive for the users.

Deep Search is not a replacement for existing web searches, but rather an enhancement. When a user performs a search, GPT-4 will receive the search query and generate more comprehensive and accurate search results. This new feature will enable Bing to better understand the user's search intent and provide more detailed and relevant information.

Microsoft corporationIn a statement, it said, "Current search engines often fail to meet our expectations and they often struggle to find the answers we need. We ourselves know what we're looking for, but search engines just don't seem to get it, which is why we're launching Deep Search."

In August, Microsoft has added the GPT4 switch to Bing Chat, which makes the chat experience even better when turned on, more like talking to a natural person rather than the same cold software.

GPT-4 isOpenAIThe large-scale language model developed can simulate human language thinking and generate natural and fluent language. It can not only answer questions, but also perform text creation, translation and other tasks.The addition of GPT-4 will make the Bing search engine more powerful and intelligent.

Microsoft said that the depth of the search will be launched in the next few weeks, users can through the Bing search engine to experience this new feature directly. The launch of this new feature will further enhance the competitiveness of Bing in the search engine market, will also bring users a more convenient and efficient search experience.

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