Huawei Cloud AI Programming Big Model CodeArts Snap Public Beta: Improve R&D Efficiency Based on the Pangu Big Model

Huawei Cloudrecently announced that itsAI programmingBig Model CodeArts Snap is now in public beta. The tool is based on theHuawei (brand)Self-developedPangu Large ModelIt was developed to improve the efficiency of software development and bring a smarter programming experience to developers.

CodeArts Snap is equipped with three core capabilities: intelligent generation, intelligent Q&A, and intelligent collaboration, which can help developers improve efficiency in a variety of R&D scenarios. In demand management analysis, new code development, stock code optimization, code quality care, easy application deployment, etc., developers can use CodeArts Snap to quickly locate problems and get accurate solutions and suggestions.

Huawei Cloud AI Programming Big Model CodeArts Snap Public Beta: Improve R&D Efficiency Based on the Pangu Big Model

The Pangaea Grand Model isHuawei (brand)Cloud launched the world's largest Chinese language model with powerful natural language understanding and generation capabilities. CodeArts Snap, based on Pangu's large model, is able to better understand and process Chinese language, providing developers with more accurate and intelligent programming services.

Huawei Cloud said the launch of CodeArts Snap is part of Huawei Cloud's continued push toAIAn important initiative for deep integration with software development. In the future, Huawei Cloud will continue to increase its investment in the development and application of AI technology, provide developers with more advanced tools and services, and promote the intelligent upgrading of the software industry.

For developers, the public beta of CodeArts Snap is a rare opportunity. By trying to use this AI programming tool based on the Pangu Grand Model, they can better understand and experience the value and potential of AI technology in software development. At the same time, developers can also use CodeArts Snap to continuously improve their programming skills and efficiency, laying a solid foundation for future software project development.

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