DeepMind CEO looks to the future of AI: The leap from passive quizzing to active learning

in the wake ofartificial intelligence (AI)The ever-changing nature of technology.DeepMind (scientific research organization)'s CEO, Demis Hassabis, in a recent interview with Wired magazine, painted a picture of an excitingAIBlueprint for the Future. He argues that while significant progress has been made in the field of AI, true generalized AI (AGI) has yet to emerge, and that it will take more than just hardware enhancements to make it happen.

Hassabis emphasized that in order to achieve AGI, we need to innovate more and scale as never before. In particular, he mentioned the importance of introspection and planning skills in solving critical problems in AI, such as the phenomenon of hallucinations. He argued that whenAI systemA qualitative leap in their capabilities will be realized when they begin to exhibit more of an agentic nature.

"Once we succeed in developing AI systems that are agentic in nature, they will no longer be the passive systems we know today that can merely answer questions. Instead, they will be active learners, capable of actually accomplishing tasks for us." This is how Hassabis describes the potential of future AI.

The DeepMind head honcho also noted that future AI systems will not just be limited to the data-driven approaches they currently rely on. Instead, they will be able to utilize introspection and planning capabilities to better understand the world, solve complex problems, and ultimately achieve the goal of universal intelligence.

As technology continues to advance, we have reason to believe that future AI systems will become smarter and more useful, bringing more convenience to human life. However, this also requires us to think and prepare deeply in terms of ethics, safety and social impact to ensure the healthy development of the technology.

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