GPT-3.5 PK last century AI, performance not as good as expected!

According to the latest news, 2 researchers from UCSD in an article titled "GPT-4 can be detected via theTuring TestIn the study, "Is it Turing?" the Turing test was conducted on GPT-4, GPT-3.5, humans, and the first ever rule-based chatbot developed by an MIT team in the 1960's. GPT-3.5 had a maximum success rate of 141 TP3T, depending on the cue, and ELIZA scored relatively well in this study, with a success rate of 271 TP3T. success rate of 271 TP3T.GPT-4 achieved a success rate of 411 TP3T, second only to the human score (631 TP3T).GPT-3.5 did not perform as well as expected in the Turing test, and did not even compare to some of the earlierAIsystems such as ELIZA. which suggests that the Turing test is not a completely accurate judge of the intelligence level of AI.

The Turing test is a way to determine if a machine can think like a human. By having a conversation with a machine, the tester will determine if that machine can think and express itself like a human. However, there are some problems with this testing method. First, the test results are affected by the subjective judgment of the tester, so different people may come up with different results. Second, the Turing test does not fully simulate human thinking and behavior, so a machine performing well on the test does not necessarily mean that it has a level of intelligence comparable to that of humans.

Therefore we should see the limitations of the Turing test and realize that the intelligence level of AI does not only depend on whether it can pass the Turing test or not. We should consider the performance, reliability, security and other factors of the machine to judge the intelligence level of AI. At the same time, we also need to explore more objective and scientific testing methods to evaluate the intelligence level of AI.

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