Robin Li predicts the future of AI: programmer careers may disappear, Chinese programming language will rise

On March 9, Baidu's founder, chairman and chief executive officerLi Yanhong (Robin Hood), PRC politician, prime minister from 2008In an interview on CCTV's "Dialogue", Robin Li shared his views on the future of careers and technology development. Robin Li boldly predicted that with the continuous progress of technology, there will be no "programmer" in the future, because everyone will have the ability of programmers, and the future of the programming language will mainly focus on the English and Chinese two.

Robin Li predicts the future of AI: programmer careers may disappear, Chinese programming language will rise

Robin Li believes that with theartificial intelligence (AI)and programming technology, more and more people will be able to master programming skills, and no longer need professional programmers to complete the relevant work. He said that this trend will make programming skills become a basic ability, just as people will now commonly use cell phones and computers.

At the same time, Robin Li also mentioned the importance of Chinese programming languages. He believes that the future programming languages will mainly focus on two kinds of English and Chinese, and the development of Chinese programming languages will provide strong support for China's rise in the global technology field.

When talking about the Wenshin Big Model 4.0, Robin Li said that the model has already surpassed the GPT-4 in some aspects. he used writing poetry as an example, pointing out that big models such as the Wenshin Big Model are able to write poems, while the GPT is unable to do so. This comment shows Robin Li's confidence in Baidu's role in theartificial intelligence (AI)We are confident in our technological strength in the field.

Robin Li's prediction demonstrates his unique insight into the future of technology. He believes that programming skills will become an essential competency as technology continues to advance, and that Chinese programming languages will rise in the global tech scene. These insights not only shed light on possible future trends in career and technological development, but also provide us with inspiration to think about how to adapt and grow in the new technological environment.

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