iOS adds "Real-time Voice" and "Personal Voice" assistive features.

pomegranateThe company recently released a new assistive feature called 'Real Time Speech' that is designed to help users with language barriers communicate more naturally and comfortably.

Real-time speech is a language assistance feature that enables users to input what they want to say by voice and choose to say it out loud in their own voice or the system's built-in voice. This is a very useful feature for users with physical, mobility and speech impairments. They can communicate in the most natural and comfortable way by combining real-time speech with other assistive features such as toggle controls and assistive touch.

In addition to this, Apple has also introduced a new feature called 'Personal Voice' which allows users to record a 15-minute piece of audio to create a voice similar to their own. This is very useful for users who are at risk of losing their voice as they can utilize this feature to generate audio similar to their own voice for better communication and interaction.

Apple has been a leader in neural network text-to-speech technology, and this technology is also key to the 'personal voice' feature. By training the neural network on the device side, users have complete control and customization of the generated voice to better suit their needs.

Apple is committed to providing better assistive features and experiences for people with disabilities. By introducing features such as 'Real-time Voice' and 'Personal Voice', Apple has not only expanded its lineup of assistive features, but also provided users with a more natural, comfortable and convenient way to communicate. This is undoubtedly good news for people with disabilities and will further promote the popularization and development of accessibility technology.

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