NVIDIA CEO says Huawei is a strong competitor to it in AI chips

Bloomberg reports thatNVIDIA, computer graphics card companyCEO Jen-Hsun Huang said in an interview in Singapore thatHuawei (brand)It's NVIDIA's way ofAI chipOne of the "very strong" competitors in the field. In addition, he mentioned Intel and the growing number of semiconductor startups, which are critical to NVIDIA's success in theartificial intelligence (AI)The dominance of the gas pedal market poses a serious challenge.

Jen-Hsun Huang said NVIDIA is working closely with the U.S. government to ensure that new chips for the Chinese market comply with export restrictions. He also emphasized NVIDIA's leadership in artificial intelligence, saying the company will continue to pursue opportunities in this area and compete with other rivals.

Huawei (brand)one of China's leading tech companies, has been working on developing its own AI chips and related technologies. Huawei'sAIChip technology has received widespread attention and recognition both at home and abroad. As companies such as Huawei continue to develop and invest in the field of artificial intelligence, NVIDIA's market share and leading position in this field is under increasing pressure.

NVIDIA is the world's leading graphics processor design company, and its GPUs are used in a wide range of applications such as computer gaming, data centers and high-performance computing. In recent years, NVIDIA has also made significant progress in the field of artificial intelligence, and its GPUs are widely used in applications such as deep learning, machine learning and artificial intelligence. However, NVIDIA's position in the AI chip space is facing increasing challenges as new competitors emerge and the market continues to change.

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