Google CEO Sundar Pichai: Right deployment of technology can create new jobs, AI development needs to be tackled by society together

Google Internet companyCEO Sundar Pichai spoke with MIT Technology Review magazine ahead of the release of the big Gemini model about the upcomingartificial intelligence (AI)Times.

When asked about the impact of new technology on the job market, Pichai said that the development of technology doesn't stop because of one company's decisions. Despite theGoogle Internet companyNo facial recognition APIs have ever been offered, but other companies have developed the technology. If companies do not adopt these new technologies, it could affect their economic strength and could lead to more job losses.

The right answer, according to Pichai, is to deploy technology responsibly and make progress, and to consider how to mitigate the negative impacts it may have. This will create new jobs and free people from repetitive tasks to express themselves more creatively.

Regarding the development of artificial intelligence, Pichai says he is a technological optimist. He believes that in general, humans can utilize technology for the benefit of society. Artificial intelligence does have two sides, but we need to move forward boldly to push the technology forward.

At the same time, Pichai said that there is also a need for society to develop frameworks to deal with issues that may arise, such as deep counterfeiting and job displacement. These issues will be one of the biggest problems to grapple with in the next decade.

It can be argued that the development of new technologies may have an impact on the job market, but by deploying them correctly and considering how to mitigate their possible negative effects, new jobs can be created and people can be freed from repetitive tasks. At the same time, society needs to develop appropriate frameworks to deal with the problems that may arise.

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